Assist the priest during Sunday Mass and other liturgies. Any child 4th grade and up may participate. This ministry is an ideal way for the children of the parish to serve the community as part of the Sacrifice of the Mass. Ideally, each child would serve one Mass per month.
To participate contact Joe Greey 253-588-2141 ext. 310 or
Boldly proclaim the Word of God at Sunday and Holy Day liturgies. A lector workbook is provided to prepare the upcoming Scripture readings. This ministry also tries to schedule lectors one time each month at their preferred Mass.
To participate contact Joe Greey 253-588-2141 ext. 310 or
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion are those in the community who have been trained to assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during Liturgies alongside the main celebrant.
To participate contact Joe Greey 253-588-2141 ext. 310 or
Provide a warm welcome to those celebrating Mass upon arrival.
To participate contact Joe Greey 253-588-2141 ext. 310 or
Provide a welcoming environment at weekend liturgies, greet and seat parishioners and visitors, take up the collection, see that offertory gifts are brought to the altar, distribute weekly bulletins, tidy up the church after Mass, and assist with various situations that arise. Children, third grade and older, are welcome to participate with their parents. Ideally, each volunteer is scheduled once a month at their preferred Mass time.
To participate contact Joe Greey 253-588-2141 ext. 310 or
Preparing the altar and worship space for all liturgies -weekday and weekly liturgies, funerals and special feast days, wedding, funerals, holy days and holiday services; laying out linens, host and sacramental wine, vestments, special seating, offertory tables and linens, and worship aides; cleaning up used vessels.
To participate contact Joe Greey 253-588-2141 ext. 310 or
God gifted us with voices to proclaim his love and goodness! All are welcome to join our choirs, no music training is needed to join. The English choir rehearses on Thursday nights from 7pm-8pm in the church. The Spanish choir rehearses on Friday nights from 7pm-9pm in the St. Teresa Room in the Parish office.
To participate contact Joe Greey 253-588-2141 ext. 310 or
Thank you for contacting us about joining our liturgical ministries at St. Frances Cabrini Parish. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
God bless you!
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