If one or both you have been married before and, the spouse of the previous marriage is still living, you must have annulment by the Catholic Church of any prior marriage (civil, Catholic, Protestant) to be married in the Catholic Church. If you have been married before, without exception, we will need to determine what sort of an annulment is needed. In many cases this slows down the marriage preparation process since we cannot schedule a wedding until any needed annulments have been received. Only after this can a marriage and date be reserved. If this is your case, please call for an appointment first with the Pastoral Associate Gaby Grossman at 253.588.2141 Ext. 307
If you are engaged to be married and would like to begin the process of preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage, please call for a “Marriage Information” appointment with the Marriage coordinator Aracely Perez at 253.588.2141 ext. 311, this requires the contracting parties in person.
We can help you if you need Adult Confirmation classes and other sacraments.