The OCIA is the process through which people become part of the Catholic Church. There are different paths depending on your own situation.

Everything starts by making contact with the director of the Adult Formation program, Susy Martinez. You are also invited to participate in classes on the Catholic faith, whether you feel you are ready to become Catholic or would just like more information.

  • If you have never been baptized in a Trinitarian Christian faith, you will become a catechumen (fancy Greek word meaning 'someone being taught'). When you are ready, you'll prepare to receive the sacraments of initiation. If you have already been baptized, you'll attend the same classes, but follow a slightly different process, since you have already been converted to Christ, and are simply seeking full communion with the Catholic Church.

Our program is intended to be year-round, and not to simply go with the academic year. Inquiry courses will be offered at regular intervals. People might remain in the OCIA program for only a few months (especially if they are already baptized), or could be part of it for years. It all depends on how you see God calling you and are ready to respond to that call with your whole heart. The OCIA program is not simply a class about the Catholic faith- it is also a community where you journey together with others who are being called by God to be part of the Catholic Church, to help each other grow in faith and in love, to reflect together on God's word, and hear about God's work in each other's lives.

  • If you have been baptized in another denomination, there is not a specific procedure or path; everything depends on your own personal situation. Please contact Susy Martinez.

  • If you are an adult Catholic who did not receive all the sacraments of initiation, or have fallen away from practicing your faith, welcome home! You are welcome to join us for our courses on the faith. Even lifelong Catholics have learned a lot that they didn't know through these classes! We can also help get you up and running in the practice of your faith again!

Contact Susy Martinez for more registration information 253-588-2141 ext. 306 or email at susy@cabrini.us

For more information:

Gaby Grossman, Pastoral Associate, gaby@cabrini.us

SusyMartinez, Coordinator for OCIA, susy@cabrini.us (253) 588-2141 ext. 306

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