Faith Formation


Following the call to bring people to a closer relationship with Jesus, Faith Formation promotes, nurtures, and offers

life-long formation for those ministering to children and adults by providing courses on faith formation

and catechetical topics, catechetical certification and retreats in both English and Spanish.

St. Frances Cabrini and St. John Bosco are in the same parish family and our English Faith Formation program is combined.

Classes will be held at St. John Bosco for grades K-6 on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sundays of the month with the schedule as follows:

10am Mass - 11am Breakfast - 11:30am-12:30pm FF Class 


Grades K & 1 are combined

Grade 2 and all First Communion Prep students (Already Baptized) are combined

Grades 3 & 4 are combined

Grades 5 & 6 are combined

Grade 7 and up is eligible for Confirmation Prep.

For more information:

Gaby Grossman

Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation - St Frances Cabrini Parish

Marianne Manning
Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, Youth Ministry, and Sacraments - St. John Bosco

St. Frances Cabrini and St. John Bosco are in the same parish family and our Confirmation Faith Formation program is combined.

This is a two year program with classes and homework.

Grade 7 and up is eligible for Confirmation Prep, classes will be held at St. Frances Cabrini Parish.

Please contact Gaby Grossman, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation for more information on sign-ups and the class schedule.

For more information:

Gaby Grossman

Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation - St Frances Cabrini Parish

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