


Fr. Lou Cunningham

Dear Beloved of Christ,

Jesus Christ loves us so much that He gave us a way to always be with Him in his Catholic Church into everlasting life. This has struck me more and more as I began my time of pastoring in Enumclaw in 2021 and now will journey with you to deepen our knowing, loving, and serving Jesus Christ in his Catholic Church.  He invites us to share his sufferings and his resurrection. He invites us into an ever-deepening awareness of our own sins and his own merciful love in the Covenant given to his Bride, the Church. 

As we begin this new time together, please pray for me. Our work together for Jesus Christ will only bear fruit if we can commit to praying for each other and committing to growth in the knowledge of our Faith and in the virtues. Especially as we enter into the process of parish consolidation, there will be changes along the way that I am painfully aware may be very difficult to make. I am inviting anyone who might desire to begin fasting and praying deliberately daily for the fruitfulness of our new parish family. 

 I created a schedule here - https://tinyurl.com/mrynv5dy


It has two tabs one titled “Prayer,” and one titled “Fasting.” If you or your family are able to commit to one day a month of either praying an hour in one of our churches or abstaining from one meal or more, I invite you to sign up for one of those days. I am aware of my own sinfulness as I begin to shepherd Lakewood towards our heavenly goal. I look forward to working to continue to order all things in our parish towards the glory of God and the salvation of our souls. I hope to meet you and your families in person! 

Finally, please pray for a flourishing of vocations to the priesthood and religious life among our young people. I am convinced that Jesus is inviting at least 10% of our young people to love and be loved by Jesus Christ in a vocation other than holy marriage. That means there are at least 15 students in our school right now that Jesus is calling! Pope Paul VI, the pope of the Second Vatican Council, called priests the crown and joy of his pontificate and St. Cyril said that consecrated religious: nuns, brothers, and lay consecrated “are the glory of mother Church and manifest her fruitfulness. The more numerous her consecrated are, the greater is her joy.”

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Don Bosco, pray for us. Mother Cabrini, pray for us.

With the affection of Christ Jesus,

Fr. Lou Cunningham

SFC Parish Staff

Meet the staff of St. John Bosco

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