Parish Office Hours
M-F, 1 pm to 6pm
* Staff are available by appointment
5715 108th Street S.W.
Lakewood WA 98499
(253) 588-2141
Stay Connected
Click below to Sign up
for our New Online Giving Platform!
Please see our Facebook page
for updates
Introducing our New Online Giving Platform: "Pushpay"
Introducing our New Parish App:
"Our Catholic Community"
We have launched our new Online Giving Platform called PushPay!
Click the button below to dowload a "How to" Guide.
Click the Image on the left to be redirected to Pushpays online giving portal.
You can set up one time or recurring gifts to the parish with ease! You can also donate through our new parish app under the "Donate" Icon.
If you have any questions or difficulties please reach out to Dave Whitesell.
We are lauching our new Cabrini Parish App! The App is called "Our Catholic Community" THIS IS ALSO HOW YOU REGISTER TO BE A MEMBER HERE...
Click the image to be directed to the app store. Click the button below to download our app install guide with step by step instructions on how to sign up for Cabrini on the app.
If you have questions, you may...
Call us at 253-588-2141 Come into the office during business hours (M-F, 1pm to 6pm) Or email Joe Greey, or Dave Whitesell,